
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Vera Drake, 2005 Edition

My girl and I just saw this movie last night, and it was a laugh attack (not). However, it was a pretty solid glimpse at the world of illegal abortion and the differences class made (and make).

Texas wants those good old days of Edwardian England back, and they've gone the lions share of the distance. Go here to read the tale of a couple teenagers who run afoul of the new laws in Texas that effectively make abortion after the 16th week impossible to obtain, and criminalize the behavior of anyone desperate and poor that still needs a choice in the matter.

Need some more motivation to click the link?

The 17 year-old boyfriend got 40 YEARS in jail for helping her miscarry the fetus.

Discovery Channel vs AOL Smackdown: AOL Voters Win!

The current collective wisdom of 2.4 million Americans:

Greatest American Ever
1 Ronald Reagan
2 Abraham Lincoln
3 Martin Luther King
4 George Washington
5 Benjamin Franklin
6 George W Bush
7 Bill Clinton
8 Elvis Presley
9 Oprah Winfrey
10 Franklin D Roosevelt
11 Billy Graham

They rose up and voted by phone, text or e-mail in a poll by the Discovery Channel and AOL. There are a total of 25 pearls of opinion on there; have a hearty laugh and cry afterwards, it's cleansing.

And people say our schools are no good...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

He Be Villin' (Wouldn't You Like to Be a Villain, Too?)

Why do people care what label Mark Felt gets from history?

Go ahead, make him the "villain". Question his motives. Say he was bitter, jealous, vindictive, a cannibal, whatever you want.

It doesn't change ANYTHING: Richard Nixon broke the law and his oath of office, and resigned because it was true and it was provable. He didn't want to be impeached, convicted and thrown out of office (or into jail). That won't be changed, and an honest American history gives him the finger; anyone who thinks he wasn't a disgrace isn't a fan of the Constitution or laws, plain and simple.

Ben Stein, Pat Buchanan and the other Nixon-loving dinosaurs will go to their mercifully near graves believing either that Nixon was a wonderful man and president whose crimes were worth overlooking, or that his crimes were less consequential than those committed by other presidents, i.e. "they're all crooks".

That is an attempt to censor history, and an attempt to excuse any behavior of the current administration as par for the course. Nixon-excusers expect, and in many cases demand, nothing less from their government: Nixon-lovers and W-lovers share the need for a leader who doesn't acknowledge rules. Rules are for the other guy.

Nixon ushered in the modern Pox Americana, and W is just the latest iteration of those who feel that winning is more important than any law that might get in the way of being perceived as the winner.

Mark Felt blew the whistle and revealed Nixons lies and crimes. I don't know who the hell he was otherwise, but don't blame Felt for telling the truth. Remember the truth, Watergate-deniers?

No matter what Felt was or did, no matter whether Colson, or Liddy or any of the others were more or less honorable than Felt, before, during or after...
Felt told the truth.

Nixon was a crook.
