
Friday, December 16, 2005

Too Much Not Enough

I would normally advise you to prep the fallout shelter, get a bunch of canned food, go to Wal-Mart to stock up on ammo, destroy your cellphone and start making tinfoil hats: Big Brother is here. The NSA now gets to spy on Americans in America, without making its case for a warrant before a court, without being held accountable, and without providing recourse to any aggrieved, offended, or abused parties. Wasn't there some BS about search and seizure in the Bill of Quaint Rights?

Actually, I don't see too much to worry about. We can't even recognize and hang onto a guy with a multimillion dollar bounty on his head when he's in our jail. His name's Zarqawi. I hear he's bad, but maybe the NSA should listen to him ordering take-out to make sure. Gives "catch and release" a whole new meaning.

Doin' a great job, Bushie.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Say It Ain't So, Joe

I already think Joe Lieberman sucks. He is a Republican at his core, and should just admit it. He could have acted against the bankruptcy bill and didn't, and he is all about Iraq...if I had even five minutes to put into a real list of his errors, I wouldn't have to write this at all. I could just substitute his name into my anti-Terry Gross thing and leave it at that...


The rumor is that he is going to replace Rummy as Secretary of War Crimes and Plan-Free Incompetence, I mean, Defense.

Yeah, I know, it's only a rumor. It just makes enough sense for me to already be pissed.

He sucks just for having that rumor seem believable. Which it is. And he does.