If Only It Were Retroactive
An idea whose time has come...citizenship tests for babies born in the USA!
"There is a general agreement about the fact that citizenship in this country should not be bestowed on people who are the children of folks who come into this country illegally," said Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo.
Birthright citizenship, or what critics call "anchor babies," means that any child born on U.S. soil is granted citizenship, with exceptions for foreign diplomats.
Yes, yes, those little baby time-bombs are just surruptitiously dropped overboard to give families an anchor here...the kind of anchor that doesn't prevent those despicable freeloaders from being deported, or being taxed without having a vote, or working for less than minimum wage, or getting in on our fabulously efficient healthcare system for anything less than extortionate costs.
If only it were retroactive to all the grown-up descendants of illegal immigrants of bygone days, we would likely have very few members of Congress left to debate this insane trial balloon from the "our"-side-of-the-fence party.
I wonder if Tom Tancredo's immigrant grandfather got here legally, those many years ago...so far he hasn't returned my email (below). I'll update when he does...
Hello Representative Tancredo,
I just read this statement, attributed to you by UPI.
"There is a general agreement about the fact that citizenship in this country should not be bestowed on people who are the children of folks who come into this country illegally," said Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo.
May I ask, did your family (for instance, your grandfather, mentioned on your website) enter this country legally? Can this be verified in some way for the general public?
Also, would you be willing to make this proposed law retroactive, and strip the citizenship of anyone whose parents, grandparents, etc., entered this country illegally? That would create consistent policy, address the legacy effects of "anchor babies" on contemporary American society, and let the remaining Real Americans have an undiluted, unified voice in how to deal with this pernicious state of affairs and its historically beneficial influences on American society.
Thanks for your answer (in advance),
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