
Saturday, February 18, 2006

Throw the Bums In (Jail)

Most folks think all politicians are corrupt. Meet the new poster child:
"Having admitted unparalleled corruption, defendant Randall H. Cunningham now comes before the Court to be sentenced for his stunning betrayal of the public trust."
This guy was SO brazen in his feeding at the trough. The bullet points on that list don't really do his act justice; read the sentencing memorandum for the meat of his law-breaking and shameless abuses of privelege and power. It's pretty jaw-dropping, and well-paced, to boot.

Prosecutors have demanded the max, 10 years in jail. I wish it was life, with parole. The guy knew what he was doing when he committed a laundry list of felonies, and did it out of pure greed.

Thirty strikes, he's out.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

POLL - Scalia: Kettle or Pot?

Scalia refers to himself as "Scalia", and as "he", eclipsing even Michael Jordan's abuse of speechification. He then goes on to call, though not by name, his fellow Justice, and anyone who agrees with him, an "idiot".

Well, at least we now know he keeps an open mind when he's hearing cases, and listens carefully to the points of the other Justices. That's a relief.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Coming To A Cube Near You

They used to say punchcards were dehumanizing...(wimps)...
An Ohio company has embedded silicon chips in two of its employees - the first known case in which US workers have been “tagged” electronically as a way of identifying them.
When they can download from iTunes, then you'll see demand for these babies really take off. Until then, maybe they can co-brand with Miami Ink for a really edgy, low-cost "worker" identifier. They could call them TreblInkaz, or Bergen-Belsen-Bling'en.